I Miss The Old Kanye: A Dance Party 03.17.2018

When I’m ready to travel back to the 90s or just hear great music in a house party-like atmosphere, The Basement never fails to disappoint! St. Patty’s Day was no different. This weekend, they hosted an epic “I Miss The Old Kanye: A DANCE Party” event.

While I haven’t mastered low-light atmospheres quite yet, I think I did a much better job than my first time out a couple of weeks ago. I invested in some USB-powered AAA batteries for my cool LED video light that people seem to really like.

If you want any of the high-resolution photos, just hit me up on IG, Snap, Facebook or Twitter. My name is @toneloves on all of them; just Google me.

[prk_wp_theme_button type=”colored_theme_button” prk_in=”VIEW PHOTOS” link=”http://sttu.info/toneloves031718″ window=”Yes”]